A Soft Introduction to Recurrent Neural Networks and Applications in Volatile Trend Analysis
There are patterns all around us. For example, the I-15
through Salt Lake will always be busiest at 7:00 AM and 5:30 PM. This situation
can easily be explained by an external effect: the end of the working day. In
many cases there is a simple explanation for why a pattern occurs, but often
there are several complex variables at play that make it difficult to predict
the direction and confidence of a trend. However, what if there was insight
within the trend itself?
Patterns in the Stock Market
One example of an area that is very difficult/impossible to predict
are stock market prices. Several factors go into the price of a stock. These
can include company earnings, investor expectations, emotions such as greed and
fear, and macro-economic variables. Some of these can be measured, but others
are subjective and create a significant amount of volatility and noise. The
process of fundamental analysis seeks to measure these variables and predict a
stocks fair market value. The goal of this type of analysis is to give a long-term
view of the health and direction of a stock.
The other common way to predict stock prices is through
technical analysis. Technical analysis focuses on stock price trends to
highlight short term trends that a stock may take. Some of the tools that are
used in technical analysis include oscillators, momentum indicators, and moving
averages. Technical analysis operates under the assumption that history will
repeat itself from trends that have previously been observed. These patterns
are called technical indicators and a few examples are shown below:
Cup and Handle trend shown by a cup shape, sharp decreasing handle shape, and
then sharp rise. Credit Investopedia
Figure 2 Head and Shoulders trend. Can show
either a bullish or bearish reversal. Credit Investopedia
While these patterns are interesting, it is difficult to
accurately identify when these trends may be occurring. Also, could these
trends possibly exhibit themselves differently in different markets? Because of
its high efficiency at persisting continuous data, I believe that a recurrent
neural network can help us uncover potential short-term trends. I will explain
how it can do this in the next section.
Recurrent Neural Networks
A recurrent neural network is derived from the traditional
neural network where nodes are linked in a continuous sequence that
simultaneously process new data as information and “remember” previous
information. This results in a prediction at each node/time-step. We can see
this process shown below where input Xt is given at step “t” and the
output Yt is given. Yt is then fed forward to the hidden
node and together with new data at Xt+1, the output Yt+1 is
given, and so on.
Figure 3 Recurrent Neural Network example.
Credit IBM
Simple Example of Using RNN to Predict a Sine Wave
Let’s show an example of how an RNN can be used to predict
future patterns by predicting the pattern of a sine wave from a segment of the
data. My code for this can be accessed at this link.
We first start by creating a training dataset. This data is
simply a vector of numbers from 0 to 10 by increments of 0.1 that were passed
through the sine function as seen below.
We then create our test data that will be passed into our
trained RNN model. Since we are trying to predict a continuous pattern, we will
grab the values of 10 to 20 incrementing by 0.1.
After training the model and fitting it to our test data we
get the following output:
As we can see, the results are not perfect, but they are accurate at predicting what the sine function is.
Conclusion: Extrapolating Method to Complex Patterns
As expected, areas like the stock market will not have
patterns that are as simple as a sine wave. However, according to the theory
that forms the foundation of technical analysis: markets flow in repeatable,
quantifiable patterns. If this is true, we should be able to distinguish, in
the short term, when a predictable pattern is occurring, and a level of
confidence associated with that pattern.
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